We are lovers of "Smithies"! In Lakey Farm's canine clan, we have four beloved Smithfields, each with a treasured and unique personality.
Our gorgeous black-and-white girl Esther recently gave birth to nine adorable young pups, and they'll soon be heading off to their forever homes on farms and with families. The father of this litter is a handsome and intelligent fellow named Puk who lives in Foster, Victoria. He has a natural bobtail and some of his and Esther's new pups share this trait with their dad!
Above: The charming Esther with her lovely black and white coat.
Below: Handsome Papa Puk.
Caring for a Smithfield. They are robust dogs, with no ailments from inbreeding, they have hybrid vigour as they are a cross as mentioned above. They do need to be clipped 2-3 times a year depending on where you live, if you are in a warmer climate more often and if you have pastures which seed, they need constant fur trimming around their feet as they are prone to grass seeds between their toes. Trimming the fur on their feet will prevent this.
We ask anyone who purchases a Lakey Farm Smithfield, should your circumstances change and you are no longer able to keep a Lakey Farm Smithie to call us and we will take the dog back to find a forever home for them.
If a pure-bred Smithfield will fit in with your family, property, and lifestyle, call us on 1300 660 020 and please send in an expression of interest. We will keep your details for future litters. In the meantime, request to join our Lakey Farm Smithfield Facebook site. We regularly post the activity of Ethel, Rusty, Esther, and Elsie!
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